How to Pray the Janazah (funeral) Prayer

How to Pray the Janazah (funeral) Prayer


Muslim upon a Muslim, and from amongst these rights is the
Janaazah Salaah, or the Funeral Prayer.

Question: Is the Janaazah Salaah Fard, Sunnat or Waajib etc.?
Answer: The Janaazah Salaah (i.e. Janaazah Namaaz) is Fard e
Kifaayah, which means that if (even) one person performed it, then
all have been absolved from their responsibility. If none performs it,
then every person who got news of it and did not perform it is sinful.
[Durr e Mukhtar]

Question: Does the Janaazah Salaah have to be performed in
Jama’at? What happens if just one person is able to perform it?
Answer: The Jama’at (i.e. the congregation) is not a condition for it
(i.e. for Janaazah Salaah). Even if one person performs it, the Fard
will be discharged. [Alamgiri]

Question: Are there any specific conditions for Janaazah Salaah. If
so, what are they?
Answer: There are conditions of Janaazah Salaah. In brief, the same
conditions which make any other Salaah compulsory, makes
Janaazah Salaah compulsory.

They are as follows:
• To have the ability to fulfil it
• To be Baaligh (i.e. having reached the age of puberty)
• To be Aaqil (i.e. to be sane)
• To be a Muslim
• However, there is one extra condition and that is to be
informed of the Mayyit. [Raddul Muhtar]

Question: What are the conditions or pre-requisites for the Musal’li
in Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: In Janaazah Salaah there are two types of Conditions (i.e.
Pre-Requisites). One condition is related to the Musal’li and the
other condition is related to do with the Mayyit. The pre-requisites
for the Musal’li are the same as the ones for obligatory Salaah, in
other words:
• The Musal’li should be free from visible and unseen
impurities. In other words, he must be in a state of
• Satr e Awrat (i.e. the proper covering of the body)
• To face the direction of the Qibla. In it (i.e. in Janaazah
Salaah), time is not a pre-requisite, and Takbeer e
Tahreema is a Rukn and not a pre-requisite. [Raddul

Question: It is sometimes seen that when the Janaazah Salaah is
performed outside etc., then some people join while wearing their
shoes or while standing on their shoes. Is this permissible?
Answer: If it is necessary for them to have their shoes on, then the
sole of the shoes and the ground underneath should be paak (i.e. free
from any impurity).
If there is the amount of impurity which is objectionable present,
then his Salaah will not be valid. If one stood on his shoes and read,
then it is necessary for the shoes to be paak.
Question: What should one do if the Janaazah is ready to be
performed and he knows that by the time he performs Wudu or
Ghusl, the Salaah will be finished?
Answer: If the Janaazah is ready to be performed and one knows
that by the time he performs Wudu or Ghusl, the Salaah will be
finished, he should perform Tayam’mum and join the Janaazah
More detail in this regard can be found in the section on
Tayam’mum in Bahaar e Shari’at, Volume 2.
Question: What happens if the Imam was not in the state of ablution
and he led the prayer, but the Muqtadis (i.e. the followers) were in
the state of ablution?
Answer: If the Imam was not in a state of ablution, the Salaah must
be repeated, even if the Muqtadi (i.e. the followers) were in ablution,
because if the Salaah of the Imam is not valid, then the Salaah of
others will also not be valid.

Question: What about the contrast of the above situation. In other
words, if the Imam is in the state of ablution but the Muqtadis are
not in the state of ablution?
Answer: If the Imam was in the state of ablution and the Muqtadi
was not in the state of ablution, then the Salaah will not be repeated,
and even though the Salaah of the Muqtadi is invalid, the Salaah of
the Imam has been fulfilled.
Question: Will the Salaah be regarded valid if it were performed on
a mode of conveyance?
Answer: If the Janaazah Salaah was performed on a mode of
conveyance, it is not regarded as being valid.
Question: Can one who is Na-Baaligh (i.e. one who has not reached
the age of puberty) lead the Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: It is a condition for the Imam to be Baaligh. If a Na-Baaligh
performed the Janaazah Salaah, it has not been discharged. [Durr e
Mukhtar; Alamgiri]
Question: Are there any conditions (i.e. pre-requisites) which are
related to the Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: Yes, there are seven conditions related to Janaazah Salaah.
We will present them below with the brief rulings regarding each
one of them.

1. The Mayyit (i.e. The Deceased) Must Be A Muslim
1.1.The Mayyit (i.e. the deceased) refers to the one who was
born alive and then died. Therefore, if he was born dead, or
if he was alive when less than half of the body came out, and
before coming out (full) he died, then his Janaazah Salaah
will not be performed. Details regarding this will follow.
1.2.If both the parents of an infant are Muslim, or if one of them
is Muslim, he too will be regarded as being Muslim. His (or
her) Janaazah Salaah must be performed. If both parents are
unbelievers, then the Janaazah Salaah should not be
performed. [Durr e Mukhtar]
1.3.The Janaazah Salaah of every Muslim will be performed, no
matter how sinful he may have been, and even if he is
charged with major sins. However, there are a few types of
people whose Janaazah will not be performed:
1.3.1. A Rebel (i.e. traitor) who wrongfully rebels against the
Righteous Muslim Ruler, and is then killed in this
1.3.2. A bandit who is killed while robbing (i.e. plundering).
Neither should he be given Ghusl nor should his
Janaazah Salaah be performed, unless the Muslim King
has arrested him and had him executed (for his crime).
In this case he will be given Ghusl and his Salaah will be
performed. In the case where they were neither caught
nor killed, but later just died, then in this case Ghusl and
Janaazah Salaah will be performed.
1.3.3. Those who fought out of partiality; and even those who
were just seeing the spectacle and were struck by a stone
(etc.), then their Janaazah Salaah will not be performed.
However, if they died after having dispersed (from
there), then (in this case) their Janaazah Salaah will be
1.3.4. One who killed someone by strangling him or her.
1.3.5. Those that take weapons, and rob and attack at night in
a city are also regarded as bandits, and even if they are
killed in this situation, their Janaazah will not be
1.3.6. The Janaazah of one who killed his mother and his father
or one of them, will also not be performed.
1.3.7. The Janaazah of one who was stealing something from
someone and is killed in this situation will not be
performed. [Alamgiri; Durr e Mukhtar]
2. The Body And The Kafan (Shroud) Of The Mayyit Must Be
Paak (Pure).
2.1.The body being paak means that it was given the Ghusl, and
if the Ghusl was not possible, then Tayam’mum was
performed, and if any impurity came out of the body before
the Kafan is put on, then it should be washed away, and if it
came out of the body afterwards, then there is no need to
wash it again. The meaning of the Kafan being paak is that
the Kafan should be paak when being put on, and if the
Kafan is soiled with impurity which came out afterwards,
then there is no objection. [Durr e Mukhtar]
2.2.If the Salaah was performed without the Ghusl, the Salaah is
not done. The Mayyit should be given Ghusl and the Salaah
should then be repeated. If the deceased has already been
put into the grave, but the sand has not been put over it as
yet, then the deceased must be removed from the grave, and
the Ghusl must be performed, followed by the Janaazah
Salaah. If the grave has already been covered with the sand,
then the Mayyit cannot be removed. Thus, the Janaazah
Salaah must now be performed at the grave because the first
Salaah was not valid and now because the Ghusl is
impossible, the Salaah at the grave will be valid. [Raddul

3. The Janaazah Should Be Present
In other words, the entire body, or most of it, or half including
the head should be present. According to the Hanafi Madhab
there can be no Janaazah Salaah for Ghaa’ib (i.e. the Janaazah
which is not present).
4. The Janaazah Should Be Kept On The Ground
This means that Janaazah must be on the ground, or held in the
hands; and if it is kept on top of an animal etc., the Salaah will
not be valid.
5. The Janaazah Should Be In Front Of The Musal’li
5.1. The Janaazah should be in front of the Musal’li, facing the
direction of the Qibla. If it is behind the Musal’li the Salaah
will not be valid. [Durr e Mukhtar]
5.2.If the Janaazah was kept the wrong side around. In other
words, the deceased’s feet are to the right of the Imam, the
Janaazah will be done, but if this was done intentionally, it is
sinful. [Durr e Mukhtar]
5.3.If there was an error in establishing the direction of the
Qibla; in other words, one thought that the Mayyit has been
kept facing the Qibla, but in reality, it was not facing the
Qibla, then on the grounds of Taharri, if one performed
Taharri, the Salaah is valid, otherwise not. [Durr e Mukhtar]
5.4.Taharri refers to a decision based on deliberation and
positive intuition. When it becomes complicated to
determine the truth of a matter in any situation, then one
should deliberate in this regard and act based on one’s
positive intuition to determine the truth. This deliberation is
called Taharri. It is only permissible to practice Taharri,
when there is no other evidence to substantiate the reality.
It is not permissible to practice Taharri if there is evidence
6. For The Parts Of The Body Of The Mayyit To Be Covered
The body of the Mayyit (deceased) needs to be covered. In other
words, it must be shrouded properly.
7. The Mayyit Should Be Opposite The Imam
In other words, if there is one Mayyit, then any part of its body
should be opposite (i.e. in front of) the Imam; and if there are a
few bodies then for any one of them to be opposite the Imam is
sufficient. [Raddul Muhtar]



Question: How many essential integral commands are there in
Janaazah Salaah, and what are they?
Answer: There are two Rukn (i.e. essential integral factors) in
Janaazah Salaah:
• To proclaim Allahu Akbar (i.e. The Takbeer) four times.
• The Qiyaam (To stand). Hence, if one sat without reason on
a conveyance and performed the Janaazah Salaah, it is
invalid, and if the Guardian or Imam was ill and he sat and
performed (the Salaah), and the Muqtadis stood, the Salaah
is valid. [Durr e Mukhtar; Raddul Muhtar]
Question: Are there any actions which are Sunnat e Mu’akkadah in
Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: There are three things which are Sunnat e Mu’akkadah in
the Janaazah Salaah:
• Allah’s Thana (i.e. To Glorify Almighty Allah)
• Durood on The Beloved Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم
• Dua for the Mayyit (i.e. the deceased)

Question: The deviants say that the Dua should not be made after
Janaazah Salaah. Is it permissible to make further Dua after the
Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: It is permissible to make further Dua for the deceased.
There is no objection in doing so. We should not pay any attention to
those who forbid the Muslims from making Dua in abundance for
their deceased. The Beloved Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم commanded us to make Dua
after the Janaazah Salaah.
It is reported that the Beloved Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم stood on the Mimbar and
informed the Sahaba concerning Ghazwa e Mauta and He صلى الله عليه وسلم also
informed them of the martyrdom of Hazrat Ja’far bin Abi Talib  .It
is mentioned in the narration:
So the Beloved Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم performed his Janaazah Salaah and made
Dua for him and then said to the people, “You too make Dua e
Maghfirat for him.”
Imam Sarkhasi  is that personality who even in the eyes of the
deobandis and wahabis is known as Shams ul A’ima, who also quote a
narration from his distinguished Al-Mabsoot.
He narrates that, once Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar  went for a
Janaazah Salaah, but reached there after the Namaaz. He then said, If
you have preceded me in the Namaaz, then do not precede me in
the Dua.
Question: How should the Takbeers and Duas be recited in Janaazah
Salaah, and when should the hands be raised?
Answer: The Imam should proclaim the Takbeers and the Salaam
aloud. All the other Duas should be recited softly, and the hands
should only be raised when saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ the first time.
[Jauhira; Durr e Mukhtar]
Question: What is the ruling concerning the Saffs (i.e. the lines) in
the Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: It is more virtuous in Janaazah Salaah to have three Saffs
(i.e. lines), as it has been mentioned in the Hadith that, ‘He whose
(Janaazah) Salaah was read by three Saffs will be forgiven’.
If there are only seven people, then one should be the Imam, three
should stand in the first Saff, two in the second Saff and one in the
third Saff. [Ghuniya]
Question: During the daily Salaah to stand in the first Saff is most
virtuous. What about in the Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: In Janaazah Salaah, the last Saff is the most exalted. [Durr e
Question: Who has the right of performing the Janaazah Salaah of
the deceased?
Answer: The right of performing the Janaazah Salaah is that of the
Badsha e Islam (i.e. The Muslim King/Ruler which is under proper
Islamic Rule). Thereafter it is the right of the Qaadi (i.e. the duly
appointed chief justice), followed by the one who is the duly
appointed Imam of Jumu’ah, and then the Imam of the local Masjid,
and then the right of the Guardian (of the deceased).
The Superiority of the Imam of the local Masjid over the guardian of
the Mayyit is on the basis of supererogation, and this is only if he is
more virtuous than the guardian, if not the guardian is better, i.e. he
has the right. [Ghuniya; Durr e Mukhtar]
Question: Can the Janaazah Salaah be performed more than once, if
there is a huge crowd etc.?
Answer: Yes it can, but once the guardian performs the Janaazah or
the one duly appointed by the guardian, then none other has the
right to perform it again.
More information concerning the intricacies and the detailed rights
and rules pertaining to the position of the guardians of the deceased
can be perused in Bahaar e Shari’at, Volume 4.
Question: Where should the Imam stand when performing the
Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: It is Mustahab (i.e. desirable and preferred) for the Imam to
stand in front of the chest of the Mayyit and he should not be far
away from the Mayyit, be it a male or a female, or be it a Baaligh or
Na-Baaligh. This is in the case when he is performing one person’s
Mayyit. However, if he is performing (together) a few Mayyits, then
he should stand in line and close to the chest of one Mayyit. [Durr e
Mukhtar; Raddul Muhtar]
Question: What happens if the Imam proclaims five Takbeers
instead of the Four Takbeers?
Answer: If the Imam proclaims five Takbeers (instead of four), then
the Muqtadis should not follow him in saying the fifth, but they
should remain silent. When the Imam turns the Salaam, they should
turn the Salaam with him. [Durr e Mukhtar]
Question: What should one do if he misses some Takbeers. In other
words, if he joined the Jama’at when few Takbeers have already been
Answer: If a person misses some Takbeers; in other words, he joined
after a few Takbeers had already been prayed, then in this case, he
should not join immediately, but should join when the Imam says a
Takbeer, and if one did not wait, but joined immediately, then
whatever he did before the Imam said the Takbeer is not counted.
If he was present there, but did not say Allahu Akbar when the Imam
said the Takbeer e Tahreema, be this due to carelessness or if he was
still making the Niyyat, then this person should not wait till the
Imam says the next Takbeer so that he can join with him, but he
should join immediately. [Durr e Mukhtar; Ghuniya]
In this regard, the following rules should be well understood:
A Masbooq, in other words, one who missed (some) Takbeers, should
say his remaining Takbeers after the Imam turns the Salaam, and if
he feels that by reading the (prescribed) Duas, the people will
already carry the Janaazah out, he should only proclaim the
Takbeers and omit the Duas. [Durr e Mukhtar]
A Laahiq, in other words, one who joined from the beginning but for
some reason missed some Takbeers in the middle, for example, he
proclaimed the Takbeer with the Imam, but he missed the third and
fourth, then in this case he should say these Takbeers after the
fourth Takbeer of the Imam. [Raddul Muhtar]
The one who comes after the fourth Takbeer, then until such time
that the Imam has not turned the Salaam, he should join and after
the Imam turns Salaam, he should say Allahu Akbar three times.
[Durr e Mukhtar]
Question: How will the Imam make Niyyat and perform the
Janaazah if there are more than one Janaazahs?
Answer: If there are many Janaazahs together, the Imam may
perform all of them at once. In other words, he should make Niyyat
for all of them in one Salaah. However, it is Afdal (i.e. more virtuous)
to perform each one individually, and in this case (i.e. where each
one is performed individually), the one who is most exalted amongst
them (in piety) should be the one whose (Janaazah Salaah) should be

performed first, and thereafter he should perform the (Janaazah
Salaah) of the one who is most exalted after him, and so forth based
on this analogy. [Durr e Mukhtar]
Question: How should the Janaazahs be kept if there are more than
one Janaazah?
Answer: If a few Janaazahs are performed together, then one has the
option to keep all of them in a row, in the manner that the chests of
all should be in front of the Imam, or in a straight line. In other
words, the feet or head of the first may face the other and the second
one’s feet or head may face the other, and the third one’s feet or
head may face the other, and so forth.
If they are kept in a row, then the one who is most exalted should be
kept near the Imam, followed by the Janaazah of the one who is
more exalted thereafter based on this analogy, and if they are equal
in excellence, then the one who is older, should be kept in front of
the Imam.
This is in the case where they are all of the same gender; and if they
are of different gender, then the male should be placed close to the
Imam, after him should be a boy, after him should be the Khunsa
(one with reproductive organs of both sexes), then the female, then
a Maraahiqa (one who is close to puberty). In other words, it should
follow the same sequence as is the ruling for the Saffs in Salaah for
the Muqtadis.

Question: What should the Imam do if while performing one
Janaazah, another arrives?
Answer: If the Janaazah Salaah of one person was being performed
and a second one arrived, then the Imam should finish the Salaah of
the first. [Alamgiri]

Question: What should be done if it is ascertained that the deceased
was buried without Janaazah Salaah?
Answer: If the Mayyit was buried without performing Janaazah
Salaah, and the sand has also been put in, then in this case, the
Salaah must now be read over his grave, as long as there is no
supposition of the body disintegrating (by this time). If the sand has
not been put in as yet, then the Mayyit should be removed and the
Salaah should be performed and then buried.
There is no time limit in regards to performing the Janaazah Salaah
over the grave, (in other words) there is no stipulation which says
that it should be done within a certain amount of days, as this differs
on the basis of the weather, the kind of soil, and the condition of the
body and the illness (of the Mayyit).
In the summer months it will disintegrate at a faster rate and in the
winter months it will remain fresh for longer, and in brackish
(saline) soil it will be faster and in parched and non-saline soil it will
take longer, and a fat (plump) body will disintegrate faster and a lean
body will take longer. [Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar]

Question: How will the Janaazah of the one who is crushed by a
building or one who falls into a well etc., or one who drowns be
Answer: If a person died by falling into a well or a building collapsed
and the deceased cannot be removed from the debris, then his
Janaazah should be read at that place; and if he died of drowning in
the sea (etc.) and he cannot be taken out (i.e. his body is not
recovered), then his Janaazah Salaah cannot be performed, as it is
necessary for the Mayyit to be in front of the Musal’li. [Durr e

Question: What will be done if the Janaazah arrives at the time of
some other Salaah?
Answer: If a person passes away before Jumu’ah and the funeral
rites can be complete before Jumu’ah (i.e. Salaah and burial, etc.)
then this should be done. To delay the Janaazah with the intention
that there will be a bigger crowd after Jumu’ah is Makruh. [Raddul
If the Janaazah came at the time of Maghrib Salaah, then complete
the Fard and Sunnats and perform the Janaazah Salaah. Similarly, if
the Janaazah comes at the time of any other Fard Salaah, and the
Jama’at is ready, then the Janaazah Salaah should be performed after
the Fard and Sunnats, on condition that there is no risk of the body
becoming bad (i.e. if there is no risk of the condition of the body
deteriorating) due to delaying the Janaazah Salaah. [Alamgiri]

If the Janaazah came at the time of Eid Salaah, the Eid Salaah should
be performed first, then the Janaazah Salaah, and then the Khutbah;
and if it comes at the time of the Salaah of the eclipse, then first the
Janaazah should be performed and then the eclipse Salaah. [Durr e
Question: What is the ruling regarding the Janaazah Salaah of a
stillborn child?
Answer: If the child of a Muslim male or female was born alive; in
other words, it was alive at the time when most of the body was
already out, and then the child died, it will be given Ghusl and Kafan
and his or her Janaazah Salaah will be performed. If this is not the
case, then it should be bathed and wrapped in one sheet and buried.
It will not be given Ghusl and Kafan according to the Masnun
method. His (or her) Janaazah Salaah will also not be performed, to
the extent that if the head had come out and he cried, but then he
died before most of the body had come out, there is no Janaazah
Salaah for him (or her). The stipulation of ‘most’ is that if he was
born head (first), then up to the chest is regarded as most (of the
body), and if he (or she) was born leg (first), then up to the waist is
regarded as most (of the body). [Durr e Mukhtar]
Important Note: Whether a child was born alive or dead, and
whether his body was complete or not, in all such cases, he or she
will be named, and on the day of Qiyaamat he (or she) will be raised.
[Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar]

Question: If a child of a Muslim was born from a non-Muslim, will
the Janaazah of the child be performed?
Answer: If the child of a Muslim was born from a Kaafirah (a nonMuslim female), and she was not married to him, (i.e.) the child is
from adultery, then in this case his Janaazah will be performed.
[Raddul Muhtar]
Question: Will the Janaazah of a Muslim who committed suicide be
Answer: There is a misconception amongst the laymen that it is
forbidden to perform the Janaazah of a Muslim who commits suicide.
This is incorrect. As per the verdict of the Fuqaha, and as explained
by Imam e Ahle Sunnat Sayyidi Aala Hazrat Ash Shah Imam Ahmed
Raza Khan  ,the Janaazah of a Muslim who committed suicide
will be performed and he or she will be buried in the Muslim
It is mentioned in Durr e Mukhtar:
‘For the one who intentionally kills himself (commits suicide),
give him (or Her) Ghusl (the ritual bath), and perform his (or her)
Janaazah Salaah. And this is the Fatwa (Decree).’ [And Allah
Knows Best]

The Beloved Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم says,

‘The Janaazah Namaaz of every deceased Muslim is compulsory
upon you, be he pious or a sinner, even if he committed Kaba’ir
(i.e. major sins).’
Question: What is the method of performing the Janaazah Salaah,
and what are the prescribed Duas?
Answer: The method and prescribed Duas will follow on the next



There are four Takbeers in the Janaazah Salaah. This is the method
of performing the Janaazah Salaah:
Proclaim The First Takbeer
In other words, raise your hands to your ears and say, ‘Allahu Akbar’,
and then lower the hands and tie it below the naval as per the
normal manner. Then recite the Thana (i.e. and this differs slightly
from the Thana in normal Namaaz).

Subhaanak-Allah-Hum’ma Wa Bi Hamdika Wa Tabaarakas Muka
Wa Ta’ala Jad-Duka Wa Jal-La Thana-Uka Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghayruk
Proclaim The Second Takbeer
In other words, without raising the hands say, ‘Allahu Akbar’, and
recite the Durood Shareef. It is better to read the one which is read
in Salaah (i.e. Durood e Ibrahim). If any other Durood was recited,
there is no objection.


Allahum’ma Sal’le Alaa Say’yidina Muhammadiw Wa ‘Alaa Aali
Say’yidina Muham’madin Kama Sal’layta ‘Alaa Say’yidina
Ibraheema Wa ‘Alaa Aali Say’yidina Ibraheema In-naka
Hameedum Majeed.

Allahum’ma Baarik ‘Alaa Say’yidina Muhammadiw Wa ‘Alaa Aali
Say’yidina Muham’madin Kama Baarakta ‘Alaa Say’yidina
Ibraheema Wa ‘Alaa Aali Say’yidina Ibraheema In-naka
Hameedum Majeed.
Proclaim The Third Takbeer
In other words, without raising the hands say, ‘Allahu Akbar’, and
make Dua for yourself, for the Mayyit and all the believing men and
believing women, and it is best to recite the Dua which is mentioned
in the Hadith Shareef. For a male you will say the word ‘Hu’ in the
Dua and for a female ‘Haa’.


Allahum’maghfir Li Hay-yina Wa May-yitina Wa Shaahidina Wa
Ghaa-ibina Wa Sagheerina Wa Kabeerina Wa Dhakarina Wa
Unthaana. Allahum’ma Man Ahyaytahu Min-na Fa-Ahyihee ‘Alal
Islami Wa Man Tawaf-faytahu Min-na Fatawaf-fahu ‘Alal Imaan.
Allahum’ma La Tahrimna Ajrahu (Haa) Wa La Taftin-na Ba’dahu
If the Mayyit is insane or Na-Baaligh (i.e. not reached the age of
puberty), then after the 3rd Takbeer recite this Dua:

Allahum-maj’alhu Lana Farataw Waj’alhu Lana Ajraw Waj’alhu
Lana Shaafi’aw Wa Mushaf-fa’a
If it is a female, instead of ـُ

[Jauhira .
If one cannot read the Dua e Mathura properly, one may read
whichever Dua one wishes to read, but it should be a Dua which has
to do with the Aakhirat (hereafter). [Alamgiri] The female gender is
in brackets (i.e. that which will be read for a female.
There are numerous prescribed Duas which can be read in Janaazah
Salaah. We have given the most commonly recited Dua here. For a
list of more such Duas look at the detailed list in Bahaar e Shariat,
volume 4.
Proclaim The Fourth Takbeer
In other words, without raising the hands say, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ and
after the fourth Takbeer, without reading any Dua, release the hands
and turn the Salaam.
When making the Salaam, the Niyyat should be for the Mayyit, the
Angels and for those present in the Salaah, similar to the Niyyat
which is made in other Salaah. Here the only difference is that
Niyyat is for the deceased as well. [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar,
vol.1, pg.817]



Method of carrying the Janaazah

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